Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"Slipping into Darkness." Jailhouse tat on a church-going inmate.

Monday, March 17, 2008

[forget it]

The following was taken from the journal of Jenkins Prinkensplatt:

…(I can’t get away (not that I would want to anyway (that is, on account of this wretched state of mind (which (if it were deemed appropriate (and what is appropriateness anyway? (should I even ask that? (and what is it to ask? (all of us ask, don’t we, in this constant and endless thought (or, if you prefer, this eternal parenthesis (or eternal explanation (or clarification (clarification with no resolution (like wiping down a soft lens (“soft” as in inferior make and build (and it’s slow to boot (that is, it needs too much light (light I don’t have (oh, where was I? Ah, yes, (“yes,” mind you, and not “I will” (though I’m free from “thou shalt not” (but still a slave, to be sure (whose slave? You ask, (but I’ve already answered…a slave to parenity... (…

This excerpt is from a larger body of work which goes on seemingly endlessly in either direction, though its beginning seems to be a somewhat ambiguous time about 20 years ago.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Stray Sheep

“They’re just demons that I had in my dreams. And I just drew them, I drew them out how I saw them, and I put them on my leg.” -NHBZ member

Stray Sheep: Religion and Artwork of the Hispanic Gangs of Suburban LA County

coming soon